Down State Society Caucus is now accepting Nominations for ADA Delegates and Alternates for 2026
Letters of intent and CVs are due by August 1, 2025 and are to be addressed to the Caucus and emailed to
According to the DSSC Bylaws, eligibility is as follows:
G. Elections
ADA House of Delegates (paragraph order amended 09-14-2024)
1. DUTIES: The delegates and alternate delegates shall be the official representatives of the ISDS in the ADA House of Delegates, empowered to act individually on any matter that comes before that body. It shall be the duty of each delegate to attend each meeting of each House during his/her term of office and to participate in the deliberations and actions in a manner that will promote the best interests of the American Dental Association and the Illinois State Dental Society.
2. The Nominee(s) for downstate ADA Delegate/Alternate may be nominated by a member of the Downstate Caucus or may nominate himself/herself. The Nominee(s) should be present during the election.
3. ADA Alternate Delegate Nominee(s) Qualifications: (amended 09-2022) 1. Served previously as an ADA delegate or alternate delegate, 2. Or served as an ISDS officer or trustee, 3. Or served as delegate to the ISDS House of Delegates.
4. ADA Delegate Nominee(s) Qualifications: (amended 09-2022) 1. Served previously as an ADA delegate, 2. Or served a minimum of one (1) year as an ADA alternate delegate.
5. Current ISDS members of ADA Councils and Commissions, except the Council on Annual Sessions and International Programs, shall be strongly considered for position in the ADA delegation.
6. Elections for delegates and alternate delegates for the ADA Annual Session of the following calendar year shall be held at the DSS Caucus Annual Session meeting each year.
7. One-half of the downstate ADA delegates shall be elected each year for two-year terms. All alternate delegates shall be elected each year for one-year terms.
8. Delegates may serve a maximum of two consecutive two-year terms. Members (as a delegate or alternate delegate) may serve a maximum of four (4) consecutive years, after which time a member may not serve as a delegate or alternate delegate for at least two years. Ex-officio delegates’ years of service shall count against any term of office. Ex-officio members may not serve as a delegate or an alternate delegate for two years following their ex-officio term greater than or equal to 4 years, with the exception of the ISDS President being eligible to serve for one year after their ex-officio term. (amended 09-14-2024)
9. All nominee(s) for ADA Delegate shall submit a one-page Letter of Intention, stating their desire to serve in the ADA delegation, and may submit a CV no longer than 2 pages in length, to the downstate caucus chair addressed to ISDS Headquarters’ office at least thirty (30) days prior to the election. The caucus chair shall distribute copies of all ADA Delegate nominees’ letters of intent & CV’s that are received by the thirty (30) day prior deadline with the official notification, agenda, and meeting materials for the DSS Caucus Annual Session Meeting. (amended 04-2015) (amended 09-2022) (amended 09-14-2024)
10. Nominees for ADA Alternate Delegate positions are not required to submit “Letters of Intent” or CV’s, and if submitted will not be disseminated to the caucus members prior to the election. (added by amendment 09-14- 2024)
Letters of intent and CVs are due by August 1, 2025 and are to be addressed to the Caucus and emailed to